
website of human physiognomy

website of human physiognomy

physiognomic traits of personality
axes of facial measurements
geometrical coordinates of nose shapes
stylistic design of eyebrows
facial make-up in physiognomy
cosmetic make-up of eyes
psychoanalysis and axes of facial symmetry
brain physiognomy and psychoanalysis
brain axes in horoscopes

Human facial traits in full-face and profile.
Axes of coordinates in faces of people.

This section of website describes physiognomy of human facial traits in full-face, namely axes of coordinates of geometrical shapes and sizes according to which psychological features of personalities and functions of brains are displayed in faces of people.
The information on human physiognomy in full-face is compared to the information on physiognomic facial traits in profile, that is described on pages of this website in other sections which have the general name half faces (concepts) and numbering from 1 to 5.


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The first page shows comparisons of frontal (face-to-face) and lateral perspectives of human facial shapes in profile and full-face, and also ratios of potential and kinetic psychological features of human personalities in a context of physiognomy.
The second page shows physiognomy in view of ratios of frontal and lateral perspectives of a human face in profile and full-face with vertical measurements of physiognomic shapes, that forms axes of facial coordinates or datum lines.
The third page shows geometrical coordinates for physiognomic shapes of nose bridge and tip.
The information on physiognomy of noses can be interesting to doctors of cosmetic medicine and plastic surgeons of rhinoplasty.
The fourth page shows geometrical coordinates for facial sizes of foreheads and eyebrows.
The information on physiognomy of eyebrows can be interesting to imagists and stylists in view of cosmetic make-up and stylistic design of female faces.
The fifth page shows ratios of geometrical shapes of chin and lips.
The information on physiognomy of lips and chin can be interesting for imagists and stylists for make-up and cosmetic design of female faces, and also for doctors cosmeticians and plastic surgeons for modeling of facial shapes.
The sixth page describes geometrical coordinates and psychological meanings of eyes in a context of human facial physiognomy in half and full face.
The information about physiognomy of eyes can be interesting to professional stylists and imagists who work with stylistic design and cosmetic make-up of female faces.
The seventh and eighth pages describe geometrical axes of symmetry according to which features of a human face are projections of hemispheres of a brain in view of physiognomy. Namely these pages show geometrical ratios of facial traits with psychic functions of brain hemispheres in a context of Jungian analytical psychology and also socionic Brigs-Majers Type Indicator.
The information on projections of brain hemispheres in facial traits of people can be interesting for psychologists and psychoanalysts, because physiognomy as a science is directly connected with psychoanalysis of human personality.
The ninth page describes geometrical ratios for axes of symmetry of a human face and hemispheres of a brain, and also vertical and horizontal facial sizes with positions of planets in horoscopes and birth charts of people in view of astrology.

