
planets in astrology

information for astrologers

geometrical principle of exaltation
polygonal figure of hexagonal star

Page 3.

extraordinary psychological manifestations
symmetry in signs of zodiac
transformation of celestial spheres
myths of ancient civilizations
physiognomic lineaments of human face
identification of mental functions

astrological calculations and forecasts for astronomers and astrophysicists


Geometrical configurations of planets in zodiacal signs.
The third page describes geometrical algorithms or diagrams according to which configurations of relevant and irrelevant planets in zodiacal signs in the space of astrological circle are formed. Also third page describes obvious and implicit displays of planets according to dominating and exalting positions in the celestial space of zodiacal astrological circle.

Information about planets in zodiacal signs on this page can be interesting not only for astrologers or people who interest occult esoteric knowledge and cosmology, but also for astronomers and astrophysicists in the event that scientists assume to analyze correctness of astrological forecasts and to consider contemporary astrology as a science. Because old classical table of planetary points is doubtful, that can be a reason of mistakes according to which astronomers and astrophysics consider astrological forecasts or prognoses as false in some cases. But according to numerical points of planets in the offered new table there can be other astrological calculations and forecasts which will be more authentic, and will allow astronomers and astrophysicists to consider contemporary astrology as correct science.


Manifestations of planets in zodiacal signs.
Psychological features of geometrical configurations.

Other astrological planets in zodiacal signs except for eight key or basic operators are relevant and irrelevant.
In male zodiacal signs or marks.
Relevant planets have dominating positions on the left clockwise of astrological circle.
Irrelevant planets have dominating positions on the right counter-clockwise of astrological circle.
It is possible to tell that planets can be relevant in male signs of zodiac if they dominate in any previous marks according to ecliptic course of heavenly bodies or celestial direction of astrological circle. Or planets can be irrelevant if they dominate in any subsequent marks of zodiacal circle according to ecliptic course of heavenly bodies.
In female zodiacal signs or marks.
Relevant planets have dominating positions on the right counter-clockwise.
Irrelevant planets have dominating positions on the left clockwise.
Namely planets can be irrelevant in female signs of zodiac if dominate in any previous marks according to celestial direction of astrological circle. Or planets can be relevant if dominate in any subsequent marks of zodiacal circle according to ecliptic course of heavenly bodies.
For example, female zodiacal sign Pisces has relevant Mars, Moon and Sun which dominate in Aries, Crab and Leo on the right counter-clockwise. Also female zodiacal sign Pisces has irrelevant Uranus, Saturn and Venus which dominate in Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra on the left clockwise.
Or male zodiacal sign Leo has relevant Moon, Mars and Jupiter which dominate in Crab, Aries and Pisces on the left clockwise. Also male zodiacal sign Leo has irrelevant Chiron and Venus which dominate in Virgo and Libra on the right counter-clockwise.
Jupiter is considered as dominating in Pisces, that is necessary for correct positions of exalting planets in the figure of hexagonal star. But actually Jupiter is co-dominating planet in Pisces and dominating in Sagittarius. It is caused by especial zodiacal square of Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury and Chiron in Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo within astrological circle.
In total relevant planets form following zodiacal geometrical configurations which are shown on charts or diagrams.

relevant planets in zodiacal signs on charts or diagrams Sun - Cancer or Crab, Sagittarius, Pisces or Fishes.
Moon - Lion or Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces or Fishes.
Saturn and Uranus - Twins or Gemini and Virgo or Maiden.
marks of zodiacal circle according to ecliptic course of heavenly bodies Proserpine - Twins or Gemini and Capricorn.
Pluto - Cancer or Crab and Sagittarius.
Mars - Lion or Leo and Pisces or Fishes.
Venus - Virgo or Maiden and Aquarius.
geometrical configurations in the celestial space of astrological circle Neptune - Aries, Cancer or Crab, Scorpio.
Jupiter - Aries, Lion or Leo, Scorpio.
Mercury - Taurus or Bull, Libra or Balance, Capricorn.
Chiron - Taurus or Bull, Libra or Balance, Aquarius.

Irrelevant planets form similar geometrical configurations in the celestial space of astrological circle.

Relevant planets in signs of zodiac have obvious manifestations, namely these heavenly bodies displays as own psychological features of human personality.
Irrelevant planets in zodiacal signs have implicit manifestations, namely astrological meanings of these heavenly bodies displays as opinion of people about psychological features of a person.
Manifestations of relevant and irrelevant planets have smaller intensity in comparison with key or basic heavenly bodies whose astrological values and meanings in zodiacal signs too are obvious and implicit.
Dominant planets have obvious manifestations, because these heavenly bodies are day-time operators.
Co-dominant planets have implicit manifestations, because these heavenly bodies are night-time operators. It is possible to tell that manifestations of co-dominant planets are perceiving for perception of people as latent, as if a person conceals or does not declare psychological features which are connected with astrological characteristics of these heavenly bodies.
Exalted planets have obvious and evident manifestations.
Co-exalted planets have implicit and latent manifestations, as if a person conceals or hides psychological features or properties which are caused by astrological meanings and characteristics of these heavenly bodies.
Manifestations of dominant and co-dominant planets are adequate and competent, namely displays of these heavenly bodies have expression as a result of ordinary mental reactions of human personality.
Manifestations of exalting and co-exalting planets too are adequate and competent, but displays of these heavenly bodies are caused by psychological exertion or extraordinary mental reactions of a person.
Anti-dominant planets in zodiacal signs have obvious and inadequate manifestations, as if a person understands insufficiency of own psychological features which are caused by deficient displays of these heavenly bodies.
Co-anti-dominant planets have implicit and inadequate manifestations, as if a person does not understand insufficiency of own psychological features which are caused by deficient displays of astrological meanings and characteristics of these heavenly bodies.
Anti-dominant and co-anti-dominant planets have manifestations as a result of ordinary mental reactions.
Anti-exalted planets have obvious and inadequate manifestations.
Co-anti-exalted planets have implicit and inadequate manifestations.
Anti-exalting and co-anti-exalting planets in zodiacal signs have manifestations as a result of extraordinary mental reactions of human personality.

Following page in detail describes obvious and implicit psychological manifestations of astrological planets in twelve zodiacal signs.


Also in this section of website you may find information about geometrical principle of exaltation and planetary symmetry in signs of zodiac, polygonal figure of hexagonal star and transformation of celestial spheres, extraordinary psychological manifestations and physiognomic lineaments of human face, myths of ancient civilizations and identification of mental functions.
