
planets and analytical psychology

physiognomy of people

Jungian analytical psychology
diagrams of geometrical algorithms
psychological features of heavenly bodies
ethical laws of human relations
zodiacal meanings of planets
realization of spiritual energy
dual characteristics of celestial deities

Page 8.

horoscopes of human personality

psychological properties of people in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy


Astrological planets and physiognomy of people.
The eighth page shows ratio of twelve astrological planets and six global world categories with psychological parameters of personality, also with physiognomic features or lineaments of a human face which can be considered as divine image of universe.

Information of this page can be essential not only for astrologers but also for research workers or investigators of analytical psychology, or psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Because astrologers and psychologists, or psychoanalysts and psychotherapists can correlate characteristics of planets and qualities of global categories of universe to mental functions of human personality and facial features, that allows to identify psychic types and to analyze psychological properties of people in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.


Planets and mental functions of human personality.
Facial features and global world categories.

Astrological planets within zodiacal circle and six axis of global categories form formal-symbolical model of universe, namely these phenomena are symbols of structural elements of world reality. And including these world phenomena symbolize structural components of human personality, because the man is created of global categories which form construction of universe.
Therefore twelve astrological planets and six global world categories can be correlated to psychological parameters of human personality, and in particular with mental functions which are known in the Brigs Majers Type Indicator and Socionics which are derivative from Jungian analytical psychology.
Also twelve planets and six world categories can be correlated with physiognomic features of a human face. Because facial lineaments of people are similar to zodiacal circle which is celestial image of world reality, that is shown on the chart.

facial lineaments in zodiacal circle as celestial image of world reality Geometrical oval on the chart symbolizes formal shapes of human face.
Right eyebrow - logics or logical mental function of human personality.
Left eyebrow - ethics or ethical mental function.
Logics and ethics are rational mental functions which correspond with facial features of top physiognomic level of a human face.
Right eye - introversion or psychological attribute of introverting person.
Left eye - extroversion or psychological attribute of extroverting person.
Psychological attributes of introversion and extroversion correspond to middle physiognomic level of a human face.
Right corner of a mouth - intuition or intuitive function of personality.
Left corner of a mouth - sensory function of human personality.
Intuitive and sensory psychic parameters are irrational mental functions which correspond with features of bottom physiognomic level of a human face.
Look detail information about parities of mental functions with features or lineaments of a human face on pages of this website in other section which is named as facial analytical physiognomy.
It is necessary to tell that Brigs Majers Type Indicator or Socionics do not possess information that mental functions are displayed in features of human faces, but however principles of physiognomy allow to identify psychological parameters and psychic types of people in the context of Jungian analytical psychology. As human face and personality in aggregate are images of world reality.

Global category of matter corresponds to rational mental functions.
Detail perception of matter is essential according to logic function, namely human person perceives separate components of material objects, that corresponds to astrological characteristics of the planet Pluto.
General perception of matter is essential according to ethical function, namely human person perceives material objects and subjects without decomposition on separate components, that corresponds to zodiacal values of Proserpine in astrology.
Global category of energy corresponds to rational mental functions.
Sign perception of energy is essential according to logic function, namely human person perceives semantic values which are connected with separate components of material objects, that corresponds to astrological meanings of the planet Uranus.
Figurative perception of energy is essential according to ethical mental function, namely human person perceives complex images of objects and subjects without semantic values of separate components, that corresponds to astrological characteristics of the Sun.
Global category of space corresponds to irrational mental functions.
Concrete perception of space is essential according to sensory function, namely human person perceives exact spatial reference points and coordinates, that corresponds with characteristics of the planet Mercury in astrology.
Abstract perception of space is essential according to intuitive function, namely human person perceives not certain positions and distances of spatial reference points and coordinates, that there corresponds with meanings of the planet Jupiter in astrology.
Global category of time corresponds to irrational mental functions.
Valid perception of time is essential according to sensory function, namely human person perceives events at present chronological interval without projections in past or future, that corresponds to astrological values of Chiron.
Potential perception of time is essential according to intuitive function, namely human person perceives chronological projections of past and future events without view at present interval, that corresponds with characteristics of the planet Neptune in rules of astrology.
Global category of movement corresponds to attributes of mental introversion and extroversion.
Active perception of movement is essential according to attributes of extroversion, namely human person is identified with phenomena and events of world validity, that corresponds to meanings of the Moon in astrology.
Passive perception of movement is essential according to attributes of introversion, namely human person keeps independence of phenomena and events of world validity, that there corresponds to astrological characteristics of the planet Saturn.
Global category of life corresponds to attributes of mental introversion and extroversion.
Actual perception of life is essential according to attributes of extroversion, namely human person aspires to intensive influence on events and phenomena of world validity, that there corresponds to meanings of the planet Mars in principles of astrology.
Insignificant perception of life is essential according to attributes of introversion, namely human person aspires to inert perception of phenomena and events, that there corresponds to characteristics of the planet Venus in astrology.
Look more detail information about mental functions of human personality in the context of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and Brigs Majers Type Indicator or Socionics, also about characteristics of planets, in special psychological and astrological magazines or journals.
Pay attention that planets of mental functions and physiognomic features at the left half of human face are dominating in zodiacal signs on the bottom part of astrological circle. And planets of mental functions and facial features at the right half of face are dominating in zodiacal signs on the top part of astrological circle.

It is necessary to tell that astrological planets and mental functions of different facial halves, also dual ends in polar axes of global categories are not isolated, because are shown as interconnected psychological parameters of human personality or interfaced physical sizes of universe. Though dual poles of axes are not equal, that determines various psycho-types of people, and also it is the reason of existence of diverse essences and phenomena of world reality. But during evolutional development each person aspires to integration of mental functions, that as a result conducts to creation of complete human souls or immortal individualities.
Read information about integration of mental functions and evolutional development of human personalities, also about immortality of psycho-physiological bodies on pages of this website in section which is named as divine categories.

Following page show ratio of mental functions of human personality with natural world elements within astrological circle in celestial birth charts and horoscopes.


Information on previous pages is given about Jungian analytical psychology and psychological features of heavenly bodies, diagrams of geometrical algorithms and zodiacal meanings of planets, ethical laws of human relations and realization of spiritual energy, dual characteristics of celestial deities and horoscopes of human personality.
