epinoia of light and kingdom of heaven

human personality

physical and metaphysical phenomena
initial perfect man
human face and triangles
fundamental categories of universe

Page 5.

movement of life
human spirit of Atman
two images of uniform human spirit
ethereal region of substance

discrete world and dual image of a man  

Transformation of discrete world reality.
The fifth page speaks about processes which occur as result of human embodiment in the imperfect world and also origin of discrete level of universe.

Information of this page can be interesting in scientific theology and divinity, and also in occult theosophy, because theologians and seminary students should distinguish true spiritual essence of human personality from illusion of deceptive spirit which has been created by primary idea and infernal powers of imperfect world.
Because misunderstanding of this difference conducts to erroneous understanding of mystical concepts of Christian religion and words which Jesus Christ spoke to apostles.


Discrete world and dual image of a man.
Epinoia of divine light and transformation of world reality.

Godlike image of perfect human personality was embodied in the imperfect world or otherwise to tell in the medium of global categories of infernal level of universe. But human personality was incommensurable to infernal powers or otherwise to tell archons, and consequently people could carry out transformations which could break harmonious proportion of global categories at imperfect world. Therefore primary prince of imperfect world has created dual or otherwise to tell discrete level of universe where initial perfect image of human personality has been polarized.
And existence of human person became possible under condition of conformity to discrete global forces or otherwise to tell to dual contrasts, that has balanced people with harmony of infernal powers of imperfect world. Because infernal powers and global categories of imperfect world are organized according to divine image of perfect pleroma, and consequently archons possess harmonious unity. But harmonious proportions of infernal powers in the discrete world have been polarized and began to exist as contradictory inconsistent contrasts, and also initial perfect image of human personality became polarized.
There was essential division as a result of which human person became similar to polar forces of discrete world. But only psycho-physiological body became polarized, and human spirit has not been polarized, because spiritual essence corresponds to the global category of life and descends from aeons of perfect pleroma.
There was dual contradiction of human spirit and primary idea of imperfect world. Because existence of human personality takes away potential possibility of creation from prince of imperfect world. And also prince of imperfect world counteracts human spirit that people could not make transformation which has been predetermined by aeons of perfect pleroma.
Namely as a result of existence in the discrete world there was an oblivion, and consequently human person does not remember own source of origin from aeons of perfect pleroma.
And also in the discrete world there was appearance of deceptive spirit or error which is generation of primary idea of imperfect world, but which is similar to the source of life which descends from perfect pleroma.
And also there was a destiny which is caused by infernal powers of imperfect and discrete worlds. Or otherwise to tell a destiny which is caused by ratio of global categories of imperfect and discrete worlds with astrological circle and zodiac signs in the formal-symbolical model of human personality. And in essence which is caused by positions of astrological planets in zodiac signs during birth moment of a man. Because prince of imperfect world has placed human person at the lowermost fourth level of universe in the material corporal sphere where there was the process of birth and death of physical bodies, that is shown on the chart.

concentric polygons as symbols of celestial levels of world reality Concentric polygons on the chart are symbols of celestial levels of world reality.
Image of Hidden Spirit and divine Trinity.
Twelve aeons of perfect world which has been created by will and word of the Christ.
Imperfect world.
Level of world reality where erroneous image of Sophia was carried out and there was infernal primary idea which was ordered in the likeness of perfect pleroma.
Discrete world.
Level of world reality where godlike image of perfect human person has been polarized.
Physical matter.
Level of world reality where physical body of human person exists.
Kingdom of heaven.
Future aeon which should be created as a result of transformation of physical matter.


Human spirit or otherwise to tell the source of life descends from the Christ who creates perfect pleroma and is derivative of divine image of Pronoia of the invisible Spirit. As a result there is creation of spiritual vertical which is the source of existential life, and consequently human spirit is capable to create world reality. But creation is possible in the consent with will of invisible Spirit, and also in the consent with will and word of the Christ. For this purpose godlike human personality is embodied in the imperfect world to carry out creation.
Central polygon of chart symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven which is the future aeon which people should create by means of transformation of physical matter, and also by means of reorganization of imperfect and discrete worlds. Because psycho-physiological body of human personality is located within physical matter, and also in the imperfect and discrete worlds, but human spirit proceeds from will and word of the Christ, and consequently people are capable to create and are called for realization of transformation that should become accomplishment of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The spiritual vertical is light which proceeds from the Christ as image of Pronoia of the invisible Spirit. And also spiritual vertical is epinoia of luminous light of perfect pleroma which was reflected in the imperfect world that a man could realize true own nature and origin.
Epinoia is the life which influences on other global categories which form psycho-physiological body of human personality and material reality, and also form structure of imperfect and discrete worlds.
But epinoia is hidden in human personality that infernal powers of imperfect world might not know her. Namely that people could realize own way of ascension to perfection and transformation of world reality contrary to infernal powers of imperfect world.
Look additional information about divine epinoia of luminous light on other website www.numeralgame.64g.ru on the sixth page in section which is named as numerology.
People cannot know creative plan of invisible Spirit who has admitted origin of imperfect world. But if human personality is embodied in the imperfect world outside of divine aeons of perfect pleroma then there is sensible purpose of human existence or otherwise to tell mission which should be carried out.
Creative plan is not known in full measure because at each stage of evolution intermediate purposes should be reached, which people realize after realization of previous stages. And also creative plan is not known in full measure as creation is infinite process.
Therefore people do not realize all processes which are carried out by the omnipotent Almighty God, but human civilization possesses all necessary information which is sufficient for realization of current problems.
Present problem of mankind is clearing of illusion of deceptive spirit which is created by prince of imperfect world that human personality could not realize own original source of life which is spiritual vertical and epinoia of luminous light of perfect pleroma. This problem is general, but each person realizes own purpose when is capable and agree to carry out divine task. Therefore freedom is conscious necessity which can be carried out if necessity of clearing from illusion of deceptive spirit is realized.
Problem of mankind is not a way outside of imperfect and discrete worlds, but transformation of universe that can be carried out as a result of evolutional creation of human souls which are derivative of global categories of world reality.
Primary prince of imperfect world and forces of global categories contradict problems of mankind, and consequently people could not carry out clearing from illusion of deceptive spirit. Therefore two thousand years ago divine Spirit of the Christ was embodied in the material world that people has seen transformations which should be carried out. Namely the unique Son of Almighty God became the man to show for people potential possibilities of human psycho-physiological bodies and free souls which are released from deceptive spirit of imperfect world.
As a result people have seen Resurrection and Ascension of the transfigured human body, that was realization of the Kingdom of Heaven about which Jesus Christ spoke as it it is written in the Gospel from apostle John.
Chapter 12: "Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out".
Chapter 12: "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself".
Chapter 14: "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am".
Chapter 14: "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him".
Chapter 15: "...apart from me you can do nothing".
As a result of Resurrection and Ascension of the Christ there was essential transformation of global forces in the imperfect and discrete worlds, because human souls have found possibility to follow the God. And also Resurrection and Ascension of the Christ has predetermined creation of new celestial aeon or Kingdom of Heaven where souls of people are not subject to infernal laws of imperfect and discrete worlds. And as a result there was predetermined transformation of material world in the future when psycho-physiological bodies of people become real not only within the limits of physical matter, but also will exist in space of all universe, when Resurrection of dead will be real and the Kingdom of heaven will be accomplished on the Earth.
Because as the result of embodiment of Jesus Christ in the material world there was formation of psycho-physiological body as at all people. And also there was transformation or Transfiguration and Ascension of human psycho-physiological body, that is a potential possibility of each person.
This is written in the Gospel and Apocryphon of apostle John, though by other words.

Following page gives information about individual soul which has formation as a result of interaction of spirit with material body, and also how global categories form psycho-physiological complex of human personality.


Also on following and previous pages look data about physical and metaphysical phenomena, initial perfect man and fundamental categories of universe, two images of uniform human face and triangles of ethereal region of substance, movement of life and spirit of Atman.
