
Gallery of universal triangles.
Hexagram i-jing 41

classical compass of wind rose and formal-symbolical charts of universe

1. Perfect world.
CAPRICORN - cardinal sign and fourth quarter of zodiac.
LEO - firm sign and second quarter of zodiac.
GEMINI - mutable sign and first quarter of zodiac.

2. Person.
ARIES - cardinal mark and elements of fire.
AQUARIUS - firm mark and elements of air.
VIRGO - mutable mark and elements of ground.

3. Imperfect world - unconscious sphere.
ARIES - initial third of astrological circle and symbol of fiery element.
LIBRA - middle third of zodiacal circle and symbol of air element.
CAPRICORN - last third of astrological circle and symbol of earth element.

4. Imperfect world - conscious sphere.
SAGITTARIUS - third segment of zodiacal chart and fire natural elements.
LIBRA - second segment of zodiacal chart and air natural elements.
TAURUS - first segment of zodiacal chart and ground natural elements.

5. Discrete world - astral sphere.
SAGITTARIUS - area of slow planets - fiery elemental nature.
LIBRA - area of less rapid planets - air elemental nature.
VIRGO - area of fast heavenly bodies - earth elemental nature.

6. Discrete world - ethereal sphere.
SAGITTARIUS - slow heavenly bodies and fire elementals.
AQUARIUS - less rapid heavenly bodies and air elementals.
TAURUS - fast planets and ground elementals.


According to the shown triangles in space of formal-symbolical charts of universe it is possible to correlate hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes i-jing to the classical compass wind rose which in the context of ancient Greek philosophy is described by philosopher Aristotle in the book which has the name of Meteorology. Because the compass wind rose from the view point of philosophy of Ancient Greece has twelve geographic directions of orientation or otherwise to tell spatial reference points of the world, that corresponds to coordinates of zodiacal signs in the space of astrological circle.

Next 42 hexagram.
Information about classical compass of wind rose and meteorological weather changes.