
Gallery of universal triangles.
Hexagram i-jing 55

physiological parameters of human bodies and improving diets for weight loss

1. Perfect world.
CRAB - cardinal sign and second quarter of zodiac.
TAURUS - firm sign and first quarter of zodiac.
SAGITTARIUS - mutable sign and third quarter of zodiac.

2. Person.
LIBRA - cardinal mark and elements of air.
TAURUS - firm mark and elements of ground.
PISCES - mutable mark and elements of water.

3. Imperfect world - unconscious sphere.
GEMINI - initial third of astrological circle and symbol of air element.
VIRGO - middle third of zodiacal circle and symbol of earth element.
PISCES - last third of astrological circle and symbol of water element.

4. Imperfect world - conscious sphere.
AQUARIUS - third segment of zodiacal chart and air natural elements.
VIRGO - second segment of zodiacal chart and ground natural elements.
CRAB - first segment of zodiacal chart and water natural elements.

5. Discrete world - astral sphere.
AQUARIUS - area of slow planets - air elemental nature.
TAURUS - area of less rapid planets - earth elemental nature.
CRAB - area of fast heavenly bodies - water elemental nature.

6. Discrete world - ethereal sphere.
LIBRA - slow heavenly bodies and air elementals.
CAPRICORN - less rapid heavenly bodies and ground elementals.
PISCES - fast planets and water elementals.


The shown astrological charts and triangles of four levels of universe allow to correlate hexagrams of the Chinese canon of changes i-jing and zodiacal signs to physiological parameters of human bodies, namely with morphological types of constitution and body builds. As a result it is possible to make medical improving diets and weight loss supplements, and also to create recipes of medicines for treatment of obesity and fat loss therapy according to universal logic symbols of the Chinese Book of Changes, that can be interesting to doctors or dieticians and experts of alternative medicine.
Look information about physiological parameters of a human body and ratio of morphological types of constitution with symbols of the Chinese canon of changes i-jing on pages of other website www.labyrinthgallery.64g.ru.

Next 56 hexagram.
Information about improving diets for weight loss and medicinal healing tonics.