Physiognomic sign of a face 20.
Gallery of facial lineaments and hexagrams of the canon ijing.

emotional expressions in conversations by a mobile phone

In mutual relations with each other sellers and trading assistants should show only the open or quiet emotions, as buyers and clients of shop can see faces and can perceive professional mutual relations of sellers as emotional displays directed to address of buyers of shop.
And also sellers and trading assistants should observe rules, and show only the open or quiet emotional expressions in conversations by a mobile phone.


Oracle of human emotions.

Oracle of information.
Eyebrows: you do not know external information.
Eyes: you need information.
Mouth: you open own information.

Oracle of situation.
Eyebrows: development of situation is uncontrollable - outside of someone's dependence.
Eyes: people are involved in situation - concerning people.
Mouth: assistance of people is necessary - common decision of problems.

Oracle of events.
Eyebrows: you do not realize events.
Eyes: you attach importance to events.
Mouth: you perceive events actively.


Following 21 facial mark in gallery.
Oracle of human eyes and conversations by mobile phones, or emotional motives of events.