Physiognomic sign of a face 49.
Gallery of facial lineaments and hexagrams of the canon ijing.

faces of hotel staff and necessary emotional parameters

If you are the owner of hotel or inn, and are interested in creation of emotional style caused by emotions which are expressed in faces of staff and projected on visitors, then you can to test emotional images by means of the shown physiognomic signs and to choose faces of hotel staff according to necessary emotional parameters.
The information on methods for testing of emotional images in faces of people look on pages of this website in section which has the name emotional types.


Oracle of human emotions.

Oracle of information.
Eyebrows: you perceive false information.
Eyes: you do not need information.
Mouth: you say incorrect information.

Oracle of situation.
Eyebrows: development of situation is not compulsory - dependent on people.
Eyes: people are not involved in situation - no concerning people.
Mouth: assistance of people is inadequate - unsatisfactory result.

Oracle of events.
Eyebrows: you can not change events.
Eyes: you do not attach importance to events.
Mouth: you perceive events negatively.


Following 50 facial mark in gallery.
Emotional style in faces of the staff, or signs of five-stars hotels.