
View area of physiognomic oracle.
Gallery of hexagrams ijing and emotions.

Choose miniatures at the left and corresponding physiognomic images (symbols of emotions and facial shapes) will be open in this framework, in view area of oracle of this online gallery.
Graphical sizes of images are approximately 8Kb.

Images are accompanied by commenting texts or mantic formulas which allow to identify emotions in faces of people. Namely mantic formulas form oracle which allows to predict behavior of people.
Translations of texts in view area of oracle are made by me, but I am not sure in veracity of English words.

Five online galleries on pages of this website show series of physiognomic images which are visual displays of facial emotions which are arranged by a principle of animation. Namely mimic changes of human face are compared with 64 hexagrams of the canon of changes ijing and consequently visual row forms multiplication of facial features. Images in five galleries are different, but in all cases in view areas it is possible to see common complex of facial symbols or otherwise to tell graphic images according to which emotions of people are systematized by means of hexagrams ijing and are shown as universal logic system of human mimicry.
According to logic ratio of facial emotions with hexagrams of the canon of changes ijing it is possible to predict behavior of people. Namely it is possible to use hexagrams ijing for predictions or divinations and to consider physiognomic symbols as mantic oracle who allows to correlate emotional changes of human faces to probability of future events and vital situations. For this purpose in gallery in view area of oracle there are commenting texts or mantic formulas according to which it is possible to predict future.

Besides this gallery of emotional oracle has brief recommendations for application of the shown physiognomic images and hexagrams of the canon of changes ijing in various areas of professional interests. And in particular look recommendations about principles of emotional expressions in mutual relations of sellers and buyers, about principles of facial emotions at offices of business concerns and administrative institutions, in municipal and household services, in faces of trade workers and financial officials, that is possible to consider during professional choice of trades in personnel agencies or for search of work on labor exchanges.


physiognomic images in gallery
concepts of hexagrams ijing and emotions