Physiognomy of symbolical emotions.
Hexagram of the canon of changes YiKing 23.

logic model of emotions and faces of 3D animation for computer cartoon films facial emotional displays of 3D characters in three-dimensional cartoon films

If you are artist of 3D animation or otherwise to tell three-dimensional computer cartoon films then can draw faces of 3D characters according to hexagrams of the canon of changes and symbols of human emotions of this gallery. Namely you as animator can animate facial features and emotional displays of 3D characters in three-dimensional cartoon films according to the shown physiognomic symbols which actually are convenient logic model of human emotions or visual system which can be realized by means of graphic software programs and digital computer technologies for 3D animation.


Emotions of social relationships.
individual mind predominates over public consciousness.
Eyes: personal volition corresponds with collective will
Mouth: private needs correspond with requirements of society.
Private reason of a man or woman dominates over corporative consciousness, but personal volition and individual needs correspond with public demands and social will.

Personal mutual relations.
you realize people and-or companions agree with you.
Eyes: you see people and-or companions notice you.
Mouth: you want to speak and-or companions communicate with you.

Mental attitudes.
your notion determines opinions of people.
Eyes: your point of view is equivalent to sights of people.
Mouth: your words are equivalent to assertions of people.

You perceive people who communicate with you and understand you.


Following 24 physiognomic symbol in gallery.
About logic model of human emotions and faces in 3D animation, also computer cartoon films and physiognomy of humanoid robots.