Physiognomy of symbolical emotions.
Hexagram of the canon of changes YiKing 41.

mimic grimaces and imitation of emotions by facial features of humorists physiognomy of mimic grimaces for comic performances and satirical tricks

If you are an variety artist and in particular comedian of a comical genre, and differently to tell the humorist or satirist, then you can choose in gallery necessary hexagrams of the canon of changes and physiognomic symbols which correspond to themes of comic performances or satirical tricks. Namely as comic actor you can observe emotional reactions of audience to those or other humorous tricks, and as a result it is possible to choose corresponding physiognomic symbols as samples which will be optimum for mimic grimaces and imitation of emotions by facial features of humorists or satirists on variety stages.


Emotions of social relationships.
individual mind predominates over public consciousness.
Eyes: personal volition corresponds with collective will
Mouth: private needs are indifferent to requirements of society.
Personal volition of a man or woman is identified with public will, but individual mind prevails of social consciousness, and private needs do not depend on collective demands.

Personal mutual relations.
you realize people and-or companions agree with you.
Eyes: you see people and-or companions notice you.
Mouth: you do not want to speak and-or companions do not communicate with you.

Mental attitudes.
your notion determines opinions of people.
Eyes: your point of view is equivalent to sights of people.
Mouth: your words are neutral to assertions of people.

People are capable to understand you but you do not require dialogue or communication.


Following 42 physiognomic symbol in gallery.
About physiognomy of comic performances and satirical tricks, also mimic grimaces and samples for scenic images.