
View area of gallery of psychological types.
Analytical physiognomy.

Choose physiognomic miniatures at the left, and the appropriate facial images and psychological charts of a human person will be open in this view framework of gallery.

Images are accompanied by brief descriptions which explain qualities of psychological types of analytical physiognomy.
Translations of descriptions from Russian into English are made by me, but I am not sure in accuracy of words.

This physiognomic gallery represents symbolical images of a human face and psychological charts which allow to learn psychological types of personality in the context of Jungian analytical psychology and Brigs-Majers's typology or identification by means of physiognomic analysis. But this gallery allow to identify 64 psycho-types that is more than 16 types of Jungian analytical psychology and Brigs-Majers's typology. And this is more perfect system of visual identification of psychological types according to features of a human face.
Detail information on analytical psychology and physiognomy of a human face, and also information on hexagrams I-Ging according to which 64 psychological types are systematized, it is possible to learn on pages of this website in section about concepts of the right and left face.


The system of 64 psycho-types of analytical physiognomy has advantages in comparison with 16 psychological types of Jungian analytical psychology and Brigs-Majers's identification.
In the first place, analytical physiognomy allows to identify psycho-types which have integration of adjacent mental functions of cerebral hemispheres.
In the second place, analytical physiognomy allows to identify psycho-types which possess attributes of equaversion, namely equal introversion and extraversion displays of a human person.
Besides the system of 64 psychological types corresponds with physiognomic features of human faces and allows to carry out visual testing of identification.

psychological types of gallery