formal contours of physiognomic spheres

central page of physiognomic system

ordering of trigrams I Ching
structure of human mentality
physiognomic levels in contours
display of three physiognomic spheres
character traits of human mentality

Page 6.

levels of a forehead
analytical consciousness
symbolical forms of half-face

physiognomic spheres of human face


Nine ordering levels of a face in profile.
The sixth page, and also the seventh and eighth pages, result the information about nine-level physiognomic system.
Particularly the sixth page gives the information on sphere of a forehead in frameworks of the nine-level facial system in a context of physiognomy.

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Nine facial levels in physiognomy.

Physiognomic sphere of consciousness.
Ordering of a half-face by means of trigrams I Ching.

Except for six levels of a human face in profile in a context of physiognomy, that is told on the previous pages in this section of website, it is possible to consider nine levels of a half-face, namely it is possible to consider facial shapes of a man by means of the nine-level physiognomic system according to which the structure of human mentality corresponds with three physiognomic spheres and nine levels of a face in profile.
For ordering of three physiognomic spheres and nine levels it is possible to apply trigrams of the canon I Ching which can be compared to formal contours of a human half-face, that is shown on the chart.

system of nine levels of a human face in profile in physiognomy Each physiognomic sphere corresponds to one trigram, and together three spheres of a human half-face correspond to three trigrams of the canon I Ching.
Everyone trigram I Ching consists of three lines which correspond with three levels in frameworks of each physiognomic sphere.
If any level of a human half-face is increased then the appropriate line in trigram is strong (entire), and if a level of is reduced then the appropriate line in trigram is weak (break).
The increased facial levels specify the expressed character traits, and the reduced facial levels specify the not expressed (latent) character traits.

In total there are 8 kinds of trigrams in the canon I Ching and accordingly it is possible to order 8 formal types for each physiognomic sphere of a human half-face. And if to consider a human half-face as a whole, as set of three physiognomic spheres, then there are 8x8x8=512 facial types according to the nine-level physiognomic system.
Such ordering too big and consequently it is expedient to consider each sphere separately, and then to make the general portrait of a person in a context of physiognomy.


Physiognomic sphere of a forehead (consciousness).

The bottom level of a forehead (eyebrows) corresponds with analytical consciousness and specifies features for decomposition of information or knowledge as separate fragments, and specifies features for analyses of separate fragments of information.
The middle level of a forehead corresponds with integrating consciousness and specifies features for comparison of separate fragments of information, and also specifies features for reflection about ratio of fragments.
The top level of a forehead corresponds with synthesizing consciousness and specifies features for connection of fragments of information in the synthetic whole, that allows to generate ideas and images as the figurative thinking arises when the isolated or opposite sources of information have unity.

physiognomy of a face in profile


1st physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is expressed.
Middle of a forehead is expressed.
Eyebrows are expressed.

All levels of a forehead are expressed, that means multipurpose mind which has analytical and integrating and synthesizing functions. Namely the man analyzes information according to analytical consciousness, and compares data fragments according to integrating consciousness, and also unites data fragments in complex systems according to synthesizing consciousness in view of physiognomy.

Dark contours in the shown physiognomic images designate symbolical forms of a human half-face, and white contours designate formal reduction of sizes in comparison with the expressed shapes, namely white contours correspond to weak lines in trigrams of the canon I Ching.
It is necessary to take into account that the shown images are symbolical and conditionally designate formal contours of a human half-face and consequently it is necessary to compare symbolical images to real faces of people conditionally.

man does not unite elements of the information


2nd physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is not expressed.
Middle of a forehead is expressed.
Eyebrows are expressed.

Functions of synthesizing consciousness are not significant but functions of analytical consciousness matter, and also the man has features of integrating consciousness that allows to analyze information and to compare data fragments. But the man does not unite data fragments in complex systems as it is not necessary for this type of mind in a context of physiognomy.

physiognomic profile of a face


3rd physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is expressed.
Middle of a forehead is not expressed.
Eyebrows are expressed.

The man has analytical and synthesizing functions of consciousness, but is not capable to integrate results of analytical reflections, and does not realize interrelation of mental images which result from complex comprehension of information. Namely the interrelation between figurative thinking and concrete objects of analytical thinking is impossible, or otherwise it is possible to tell that the man does not consider ratio of data fragments and does not realize interrelation according to which data fragments of information incorporate in mental images, if to analyze shapes of a face in a context of physiognomy.

middle of a forehead is not expressed


4th physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is not expressed.
Middle of a forehead is not expressed.
Eyebrows are expressed.

The man has analytical functions of consciousness but does not use features of integrating and synthesizing functions. Therefore the man analyzes the information but integration of data fragments and complex understanding of information are not essential, if to look at facial shapes in view of physiognomy.

integrating and synthesizing functions of consciousness


5th physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is expressed.
Middle of a forehead is expressed.
Eyebrows are not expressed.

The man has integrating and synthesizing functions of consciousness but analytical features are not significant. Therefore the man creates mental images by means of synthesis and by means of integrating consciousness is capable to understand processes as a result of which fragments of information incorporate and become a reason for occurrence of mental images, but the man does not analyze separate fragments of information, if to analyze a face according to concepts of physiognomy.

man analyze separate elements of information


6th physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is not expressed.
Middle of a forehead is expressed.
Eyebrows are not expressed.

The man has integrating mind but functions of synthesizing and analytical consciousness are not significant. Namely the man does not analyze separate fragments of information and also does not create complex systems of mental images with fragments, but realizes the information as set of fragments which can be compared, but necessity for the systematized connections or analyses of them are absent in view of physiognomy of a human face in profile.

information and synthesis of knowledge


7th physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is expressed.
Middle of a forehead is not expressed.
Eyebrows are not expressed.

The man has synthesizing consciousness but does not give value to features of integrating and analytical functions of mind. Therefore complex association of information and synthesis of knowledge has the greatest value for the man, and smaller value is at analyses of information and understanding of the integrated ratios according to which data fragments are interconnected. Namely the man realizes information as a complex systems which are not decomposed to separate fragments and do not demand analytical understanding according to concepts of physiognomy of facial profiles.

physiognomic properties of the person


8th physiognomic facial type.
Top of a forehead is not expressed.
Middle of a forehead is not expressed.
Eyebrows are not expressed.

All physiognomic levels of a forehead are not expressed. Functions of consciousness are not conducting properties of the person in a context of physiognomy.

It is conditionally possible to explain essence of analytical and integrating and synthesizing functions of consciousness by means of the following allegory. If to present fragments of knowledge or information as set of nuts then the analytical consciousness splits nuts and investigates their contents. The integrating consciousness compares grades (sorts) and the sizes of nuts. The synthesizing consciousness systematizes nuts, and also unites grades and creates nuts with new qualities.
In aggregate listed types of consciousness are capable to manipulate nuts and to understand their properties according to analytical and integrating and synthesizing predispositions of consciousness in the point of view of physiognomy.
The first facial type carries out any realized manipulations with nuts.
The second facial type splits the nuts and also realizes ratio of their forms and versions of grades, but capabilities of connection of diverse nuts in new forms is not meant.
The third facial type splits the nuts and reflects on capabilities of existence of new unknown nuts, but this type does not reflect on ratio according to which known nuts can be connected in new forms. Namely in consciousness there are ideas about new qualities which nuts can have, but these ideas do not associate with capabilities of connection of qualities which are realized as a result of analytical research of known nuts.
The fourth facial type splits the nuts and investigates their qualities but does not reflect on ratio of forms and grades, and also does not think of probable combinations of different forms and grades.
The fifth facial type reflects on forms of nuts and unites forms in new combinations without infringement of integrity of nuts and without analytical understanding of their qualities.
The sixth facial type compares forms and does not think of contents which is latent in shells of nuts, and also does not think about probable combinations of forms and contents which are peculiar to different nuts.
The seventh facial type does not analyze the contents of nuts and does not compare their form, but unites and reflects on the combined essence of nuts.
The eighth facial type uses nuts and does not give value to understanding of their sense.

The following page considers sphere of a nose and the appropriate facial levels of human individuality in frameworks of the nine-level system of physiognomy.


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