sizes of a half-face in physiognomic table

central page of physiognomic spheres

measure sizes of a nose
analysis in frameworks
descriptions of psychological characteristics
system of antonymous definitions
psychological values
displays of individuality

Page 7.

frameworks of six-level
contrast proportions in physiognomy

frameworks of human face


Physiognomic table of human sizes of a face.
The seventh page considers physiognomic sphere of a nose in frameworks of nine-level physiognomic system, and also represents the table which helps to measure sizes of facial levels in physiognomy.


Nine facial levels in profile.

Physiognomic sphere of a nose and individuality.
Table of facial sizes in physiognomy.

During physiognomic analyses in frameworks of the nine-level system of a human face in profile it is necessary to take into account sizes which facial levels have, as psychological characteristics are shown with different intensity depending on facial sizes.
In frameworks of six-level physiognomic system, which is described in the beginning of this site section, it is possible to apply antonymous definitions for descriptions of psychological characteristics which correspond to the increased or reduced sizes of a half-face, and in the nine-level system of physiognomy too it is possible to apply system of antonymous definitions, that is shown in the table.

physiognomical table of a human face in profile Three physiognomic spheres are specified on the left of the table, and the appropriate psychological values of nine facial levels of three spheres are specified on the right.
Antonymous definitions are specified above the table.
In the right corner is the ratio of numerological numbers of Pythagorean numerology with physiognomic spheres and levels, and in essence parities of numerological numbers with psychological values in frameworks of the nine-level physiognomic system are shown.
The detailed information on numbers of Pythagorean numerology look on pages of other web-site:

And also the information on ratio of numbers in numerology with levels of a human face in physiognomy look on pages of this web-site in section which has the name: half faces (concepts 5).


The shown table can be applied to the visual physiognomic analysis.
Namely if any levels of the human half-face are appreciably increased then correspond with the antonymous definition "essentially", and accordingly in the table it is possible to note cells in crossing of this antonymous definition with psychological values which correspond to the increased facial levels.
If any levels of the human half-face are not increased then correspond with the antonymous definition "insignificantly", and accordingly in the table it is possible to note cells of crossings of this antonymous definition with psychological values of not increased facial levels.
If it is impossible to define any levels of the human half-face as increased or not increased then it is necessary to use the antonymous definition "implicitly", namely it is necessary to note cells in crossings of this antonymous definition with psychological values which correspond to facial levels with the non concrete sizes.
Then according to noted cells in the table it is possible to analyze parities of psychological values with character traits of the man, and it is actually possible to correct psychological values according to the visible sizes of human half faces.
Especially parities of psychological values with antonymous definitions are necessary for meaning at the analysis of physiognomic sphere of a nose which has the most contrast proportions in a human face in profile.
I remind that I am not sure in accuracy of the English words which used in translation of antonymous definitions and psychological values into the English language.

Physiognomic sphere of a nose (individuality).

The bottom level of a nose corresponds with radical individuality, and means declaring and public demonstration of own personality.
The middle level of a nose corresponds with arbitrary individuality, and means features of voluntary positioning of own personality in comparison with personalized positions of people.
The top level of a nose corresponds with conservative or organizing individuality, and means features of identification with collective or common individuality (co-personality) of people.

people show radical properties in attitudes with the man


1st physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is expressed.
Nose-tip is expressed.

All levels of a nose are expressed that means many-valued individuality peculiar to the man who is capable to show own personality, as radical properties are expressed, and who is capable to identify displays of own individuality with opinions of people on collective co-personality, as conservative properties are expressed. And also such man is capable to stand itself voluntary concerning people, according to positions which people show in attitudes with the man, as arbitrary properties are expressed in a context of physiognomy.

man has radical individuality in phisiognomy


2nd physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is not expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is expressed.
Nose-tip is expressed.

The man has radical individuality according to which shows own personality, and has features of voluntary positioning of own personality concerning people, but the man does not identify itself with the conventional opinion on collective individuality, or otherwise it is possible to tell that the man does not identify itself with the unified sample of common personality in view of physiognomy.

correlate itself to individual displays


3rd physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is not expressed.
Nose-tip is expressed.

The man has radical and conservative properties according to which shows own  personality and can be similar to the common collective individuality, but he does not correlate itself to individual displays of separate people, as arbitrary individuality is not expressed. Namely attitudes of people to the man are not the reason of appropriate attitude of the man to people, or otherwise it is possible to tell that the man does not commensurate own individual displays with personal attitudes of people, if to analyze shapes of a face in a context of physiognomy.

displays of a person concerning separate people


4th physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is not expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is not expressed.
Nose-tip is expressed.

The most significant is radical individuality and consequently the man shows own personality, but arbitrary and conservative features are not expressed, and consequently the man does not pay attention to personal attitudes of people and also ignores the common opinion of people on collective individuality, and in essence he exaggerates displays of own personality concerning separate people and concerning a society as a whole, if to look at facial shapes from the point of view of physiognomy.

radical individuality is not significant


5th physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is expressed.
Nose-tip is not expressed.

Radical individuality is not significant and consequently the man underestimates value of own personality, but conservative and arbitrary individualities are expressed and consequently the man is involved the common collective individuality, and he commensurate displays of own personality with personal displays of people, if to analyze a half face according to concepts of physiognomy.

public norms of individuality in phisiognomy


6th physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is not expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is expressed.
Nose-tip is not expressed.

The most significant is arbitrary individuality according to which the man compares own individual displays to individual displays of people, but he ignores public norms of collective individuality and does not give value to demonstration of own personality, as conservative and radical features are not significant. In essence the attitude of this man to people corresponds to attitudes of people to the man in view of concepts of physiognomy of a human face in profile.

personal displays in mutual relation of people


7th physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is not expressed.
Nose-tip is not expressed.

The man is involved (co-present) the common collective individuality and is not declined to show own personality, and also ignores coordination of personal displays in mutual relation of people, as conservative properties are significant, but radical and arbitrary individual properties are not significant. Namely individuality of the man is caused by the common norms which have advantage above own personality or personal displays of people according to concepts of physiognomy of human facial profiles.

physiognomic levels of a nose


8th physiognomic type of a half face.
Top of nose bridge is not expressed.
Middle of nose bridge is not expressed.
Nose-tip is not expressed.

All physiognomic levels of a nose are not expressed. Displays of individuality are not conducting properties of the man in a context of physiognomy of a human face.

If to imagine prospective individuality of the man who is the chief then radical and arbitrary and conservative properties of individuality are shown in the following.
The first physiognomic type is the unconditional chief who praises own personality but compares itself to individual properties of subordinates, and also who is personification of the conventional collective individuality from the point of view of subordinates.
The second physiognomic type is the chief who praises own personality and correlates itself to individual properties of subordinates, but such chief is not personification of collective individuality which is capable to unite people.
The third physiognomic type is the chief who praises own personality and personifies public collective individuality, but who does not take into account specific features of subordinates. Namely such chief concerns to all people equally and does not distinguish the individual attitude of each subordinate to the own person.
The fourth physiognomic type is the chief who praises own personality but who is not personification of the conventional collective individuality from the point of view of subordinates, and who does not distinguish specific features of people.
The fifth physiognomic type is the chief who personifies collective individuality and unites people, and also who estimates individuality of each subordinate and compares itself to individual properties of people, but such chief not praises own personality and consequently he no seems presentable from the point of view of subordinates.
The sixth physiognomic type is the chief who correlates itself to individualities of subordinates, but he is not representative and does not personify uniting collective individuality. Namely such chief has no superiority over subordinates and consequently the attitude to people depends on attitudes of subordinates to the chief.
The seventh physiognomic type is the chief who personifies collective individuality, but he does not consider individual distinctions of subordinates and does not give value to own personality, and in effect such chief unifies people and oneself for the sake of observance of public interests.
The eighth physiognomic type is the chief who has no necessary managing properties from the point of view of subordinates.

The following page considers physiognomic sphere of lips and chin, and the appropriate facial levels of human feelings in frameworks of the nine-level system of physiognomy.


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