
descriptions of physiognomy

central page of descriptions of physiognomy

facial features in human character
facial profile or half-face
concept of names in physiognomy
understanding of facial principles
distinctions of sights at a face
classical Greek philosophy
Indian philosophy with physiognomy
page shows ratios of different systems
information on a human face

Descriptions of physiognomy.
Human face in profile.

Nine pages of this site section represent the further descriptions of physiognomic principles according to which the human face in profile is conditionally divided into levels according to projections of facial features in human character.

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I am not sure in accuracy of translation and also I am not sure in the Chinese and Indian transcriptions.
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The first, second and third pages give comparison of physiognomy of a human face with concepts of Confucian philosophy, and also Chinese numerology and philosophy as a whole.
In particular the first page narrates about hierarchical norms of human relations that corresponds with physiognomy of a forehead and eyebrows, and also about five moral qualities that corresponds with physiognomy of lips and chin in a human face.
The second page describes about three foundations and five constancies of the Chinese numerology, and also shows the facial profile or half-face of Johann Caspar Lavater the founder of the European physiognomy.
The third page gives the concept of names in a context of the Chinese Confucian philosophy that corresponds with physiognomy of a nose, and also shows parities of numerical sets of the Chinese numerology with the twelve-level physiognomic system of a human face.
The fourth, fifth and sixth pages give the concepts of ancient Greek philosophy in comparison with physiognomy of a human face, and also describe concepts of human soul in Christian Gnostic philosophy.
In particular the fourth page describes understanding of principles of consciousness by the Greek philosophers, and also compares four elements of the Greek philosophy to individuality, and five material initial potentialities of the Greek mythology with human feelings.
The fifth page describes distinctions of sights at the world at different philosophical schools of the Ancient Greece from the point of view of parities of different philosophical concepts with physiognomy of a face.
The sixth page shows distinctions of concepts of consciousness and individuality in classical Greek philosophy and in the Christian Gnostic philosophy. And also describes different understanding of human soul in a context of transcendental and existential philosophical systems.
The seventh and eighth pages give the information on the Indian and Buddhist philosophies, and also give comparison of some systems of the Indian philosophy with physiognomy of a human face.
In particular the seventh page shows the table of conformity of philosophical terms of ancient India with physiognomy of a human face.
The eighth page shows parities of different systems of the Indian philosophy with physiognomy of a face.
The ninth page gives the information on comparison of physiognomy of a human face with philosophical concepts of Taoism which are a derivative from ancient Chinese philosophy and from the Book of Changes I Ching.


Also look on pages of this website other sections where the physiognomy of a human face in profile is described.
Half faces (concepts 1) - formal distinctions of contours of human faces in profile are systematized by means of 64 hexagrams of the Chinese canon of changes i-jing, and also physiognomic systems according to which in faces of people it is possible to consider six or nine or twelve levels are described.
Half faces (concepts 3) - methods of measurements of proportions of a human face by means of a universal scale in which basis mathematical ratios and angular sizes of geometrical figures lay.
The information of this section can be applied to measurements in cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery.
Half faces (concepts 4) - ratio of physiognomy with astrology, and in particular parities of astrological planets and signs on the zodiac with twelve levels of a human face in profile.
Half faces (concepts 5)
- ratio of physiognomy with numerology, and in particular parities of nine levels in half-faces of people with nine numbers of Pythagorean numerology and gods of the Greek mythology.

