people and numerology

numerology with circles

scale of physical substances
books of philosophers in Pythagorean school
medieval heroic epos
horizontal coordinates of world space
stages of personal development

Page 6.

metaphysical images of the hell
characteristics in view of physiognomy
subjective notion about appearance

human souls of people and numbers


Human souls of people and numbers in the Divine Comedy.
The sixth page gives comparison of physiognomy of a human face and numbers in numerology with circles of purgatory in the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.


Human souls and numbers in numerology.
Divine Comedy of Dante and facial traits

The purgatory in verses of the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri is metaphysical space where souls of people see light of the supreme heavenly spheres and aspire to the maximum heavens, as against in the hell where high light is unknown. Therefore the hell is hopeless, but human souls can have movement  and development in the purgatory, namely essence of existence in nine circles of the hell are constant psychic conditions of human souls, but in the purgatory there are changes of psychic conditions or mental states.
The purgatory is a inverse reflection of the hell, namely initial levels of purgatory are equivalent to last circles in the hell and vice versa, that is shown in the chart.

hell and purgatory in Divine Comedy with facial physiognomy and numerology


The purgatory in the Divine Comedy consists of seven circles but before entrance gates there are two ledges. Total the purgatory consists of nine levels which are comparable to 9 numbers in numerology and to lineaments of a human face in a context of the nine-level physiognomic system.
Ratio of divine levels of purgatory with physiognomy of a face and numerological numbers are not ordinary. Namely some levels have dual parities with traits of facial features and numbers. And also in the purgatory there is no level which is equivalent to the sixth diabolical circle of the hell, that corresponds with the facial middle of nose bridge and number five in numerology, as existence is determined by disbelief in God in the sixth diabolical circle, that in the purgatory is impossible. As the key principle of psychic conditions in the metaphysical world of purgatory is belief in God. Movement of human soul in circles of purgatory is impossible without belief in God.
The coast of purgatory - facial top of forehead and features of number nine.

This level is proportional to position of Lucifer in the hell because the Lucifer is squeezed in the infernal world point in the interval between hell and purgatory, namely half of his body is in the hell and half of body is in space where the coast of purgatory extends.
At coast of purgatory it is possible to see stars and light of the sun that symbolizes light of supreme consciousness unlike the hell where the darkness without stars reaches on the threshold of infernal circles and the Lucifer forges light of consciousness in the center of infernal world.
Number nine in numerology corresponds with the Greek mythological Aphrodite or the Roman Venus who are light and beautiful goddesses, that is comparable to radiant beauty of divine consciousness, or with forged and bewitching light-emitting force of the Lucifer.
The name of Lucifer matters "morning star" in Latin language that means the planet Venus which is a morning star in astrology and astronomy, as this planet can be seen on horizon on sunrise. Therefore in verses of Divine Comedy it is told that Dante and Virgil have seen Venus in the sky when came out the hell at coast of purgatory.
The first ledge of purgatory - facial middle of forehead and features of number eight.
Here there is a movement of human souls which lost interrelation with souls of other people as a result of the broken trust, that is equivalent to the ninth circle of hell where psychic conditions are determined by break of spiritual interrelation of people with the God, but human souls aspire to recovery of spiritual interrelations in the purgatory.
Number eight in numerology corresponds with mythological Apollo who is the god of Delphic Oracle, that is interfaced to the trust as people address to the Oracle and trust predictions.
The second ledge of purgatory - facial eyebrows and features of number seven.
Here there is a movement of human souls which were occupied with reflection about terrestrial affairs and problems but forgotten about spiritual applicability of the man that is equivalent to the eighth circle of the hell where human consciousness is saddened with the realized comprehension of evil deeds. Namely the second ledge of purgatory is a metaphysical space where souls of people are abstract from ideas on greater rather than accessible to human reason in the terrestrial world, but nevertheless men and women aspire to clearing consciousness in space of the second divine ledge.
Two ledges before the purgatory are necessary for recovery of spiritual interrelations to the God and for the realized aspiration to the God.
Two ledges before purgatory correspond with physiognomic sphere of consciousness which is necessary for clearing human soul of infernal errors, and consequently Virgil is conductor of Dante in circles of the hell and purgatory, as terrestrial reason of Virgil corresponds with the facial trait of analytical consciousness and eyebrows in physiognomy.
And also the second ledge of purgatory corresponds to number seven in numerology and mythological Hephaestus who have been thrown from the top of Olympus on the ground, and who is the smith of material assets. And also number seven corresponds with Prometheus who in a context of the Greek mythology has given heavenly fire to mankind for the sake of terrestrial well-being of people, that is comparable to terrestrial reason of Virgil.

The first circle of purgatory - facial top of nose bridge and features of number six.
Here there is a movement of pride human souls which have not reconciled before spiritual greatness of the God, that is equivalent to the seventh circle of hell where the man concerns with neglect to people or to greatness of the God for the statement of own significance, or the man attempts on own life if own significance is humiliated with somebody another, namely the man does not suppose insults of own personality.
Number six in numerology corresponds with mythological Zeus who is the Supreme god of Greek pantheon, that is interfaced to the hypertrophied self-respect which souls of people overcome in this divine circle.
The second circle of purgatory - facial top of nose bridge and features of number six.
Here there is a movement of envious human souls which compare sizes of own and another's advantages, that is equivalent to the seventh circle of hell where envy is the reason of contempt for those people who possesses greater sizes of advantages or values.
People have big or smaller sizes of values and advantages in the terrestrial world, that is the reason of envy and derivative psychic conditions in the infernal world, but values have other nature in the divine world, namely quantity of values increases proportionally to quantity of souls which perceive sizes of advantages. Therefore in the divine world there is no envy but there is a desire to give available values to the greater number of human souls. This principle of the divine world is the purpose of comprehension in the second circle of purgatory.
The first and second circles of purgatory both correspond with the facial top of nose bridge and numerological number six. Namely envy and pride form dialectic pair of psychic conditions which correspond with top of nose bridge in view of physiognomy of a human face.
Also other dialectic pairs of psychic conditions in verses of the Divine Comedy form psychological complexes of dual ratios with traits of facial features. Namely anger and despondency which correspond with facial nose tip, or avarice and wastefulness which correspond with upper lip in lineaments of features.
The third circle of purgatory - facial nose-tip and features of number four.
Here there is a movement of angry human souls which were angry or showed anger in relation to people if someone offended their vanity or denied self-conceit, that is equivalent to the fifth circle of hell where existence is determined by anger, but souls get rid of angry rage in the purgatory.
Number four in numerology corresponds with mythological Hera who is the angry and jealous goddess.
The fourth circle of purgatory - facial nose-tip and features of number four.
Here there is a movement of sad human souls which have no sufficient forces to aspire to good contrary to inertia of evil, namely these souls subject to despondency if evil prevents realization of good, that is equivalent to the fifth circle of hell where existence too is determined by despondency. But infernal despondency is a recognition of evil and refusal of good, and souls of people do not refuse movement to good in the purgatory.
The third and fourth circles in purgatory both correspond with the nose tip and number 4 in numerology, that forms the dialectic complex ratio of anger and despondency with lineament features of a face in physiognomy.
The fourth circle of purgatory is transitive between vanity or egoism and absence of love to own personality. Namely pride, envy, anger are caused by stressed egoism and absence of love to people in previous three circles, but egoism is absent in the fourth and subsequent circles, and as a result human soul wishes good for people.
The desire of good is insufficient for overcoming evil in the fourth circle, and souls are focused on false criteria of good in the fifth, sixth, seventh circles of purgatory, that is exposed to correction.
Pay attention that facial nose tip means radical individuality which corresponds to maximal egoism in a context of physiognomy, and consequently this circle of purgatory is transitive between egoism and love to people.
And also pay attention that serial number of the fourth circle coincides with number four in numerology, and serial numbers of other circles in the purgatory and hell do not coincide.

The fifth circle of purgatory - facial upper lip and features of number three.
Here there is a movement of avaricious and prodigal souls, that is equivalent to the fourth circle of hell where too psychic conditions are determined by avarice and wastefulness, provided that the infernal avarice is a restriction of own or another's vital needs for the sake of hypertrophied increase of personal riches. And also infernal wastefulness is an expenditure of personal or public property for the sake of satisfaction of own hypertrophied vital needs. But the avarice is a restriction of vital needs for the sake of increase of public riches, and the wastefulness is an expenditure of personal or public property for the sake of satisfaction of vital needs of people in the purgatory, that differs from the hell as human souls aspire to increase of public property. But nevertheless it is false criterion of good if expenditure or restriction of vital needs prevent spiritual development.
In essence, riches are not public or personal but this or that man supervises this or that part of riches which directs on satisfaction of own hypertrophied vital needs that becomes the reason of infernal existence, or the man directs on satisfaction of vital needs of people that can have true or false results depending on orientation of vital needs to spiritual development or to unjustified consumption.
The avarice and wastefulness form dialectic pair of psychic conditions which correspond to the upper lip in view of physiognomy of facial traits.
Number three in numerology corresponds with Hermes in the Greek mythology or Mercury in mythological system of ancient Rome. These gods personify trade and commerce that is interfaced to wastefulness or avarice, and also to enrichment and possession public riches.

The sixth circle of purgatory - facial lower lip and features of number two.
Here there is a movement of hungry human souls which limited vital needs for the sake of achievement of super ordinary possibilities of a body or consciousness, that is false criterion of good as super ordinary forces are temptation.
For example, practice by the Indian Yoga or training by the Tantra are false because these  bodily exercises are directed on achievement of super ordinary possibilities. Or starvation for the sake of weight loss is false, as human soul is directed on achievement of advantages which are feasible by means of an attractive body.
Also in the sixth circle of purgatory there is a movement of human souls which supposed the exaggerated abundance of a feed, and which believed that abundance is the blessing for people, that is equivalent to the third circle of hell where existence is determined by gluttony. But human soul in purgatory wishes well-being which is considered as abundance though it is not true criterion of good, and the gluttony is caused by personal satisfaction in the hell.
The gluttony or desire of abundance is shown if the lower lip in facial traits is expressed, and hunger is shown if the lower lip is not expressed in view of physiognomy of human faces.
Number two in numerology corresponds with mythological Artemis who is the goddess of wildlife forces of the nature, that corresponds to satisfaction of animal instincts. And also Artemis can rule over natural elements, that corresponds to restriction needs of nature of a human organism.

The seventh circle of purgatory - facial chin and features of number one.
Here there is a movement of voluptuous souls which perceived love only as sensual inclinations of people to each other, that is false understanding of love which actually has other features.
The seventh circle of purgatory is equivalent to the second diabolical circle of hell where psychic conditions too are determined by voluptuousness, but the infernal voluptuous desire is a satisfaction of human sensual inclinations without love, and also desire of pleasures as a result of which a subject of pleasure feel sufferings. But souls of people love each other and release feeling of love from sensual inclinations in the divine purgatory.
Soul of people pass through a flame in which voluptuousness burns in the end of seventh circle in purgatory, and then there is accessible the earthly paradise where the valid love is feasible.
Number one in numerology corresponds with Ares who in the Greek mythology was the god of war and violence. Or corresponds with the Roman Mars who personified man's sexuality, that also corresponds with the planet Mars which means sexual inclinations in a context of astrology.
The earthly paradise or otherwise to tell "lost garden of Eden" is a metaphysical space where Adam and Eve were created, but were expelled. Namely Adam and Eve have broken a fruit from the tree of knowledge about good and evil and consequently they were expelled from paradise, as it is a place where human consciousness can not be actual. Virgil guided Dante up to the earthly paradise but he can not enter, as Virgil personifies terrestrial reason which can not be actual in space of paradise.
The earthly paradise is extra spatial world which reaches between the purgatory and heavenly paradise, and consequently this metaphysical space does not correspond with numbers in numerology and lineament features in physiognomy of a human face.
In space of earthly paradise there are no human souls, but images of the nature are equivalent to images of the terrestrial world, and consequently it is possible to assume that this space in verses of the Divine Comedy symbolizes the changed terrestrial world which will be carried out after the Doomsday.
Information on the nature of earthly paradise I shall try to publish in the future.

The following page describes circles of heavenly paradise in comparison with nine numbers in numerology and nine facial traits in physiognomy of a human face.


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