Hexagram Yi-King 53.
Gallery of logic facial emotions.

presentation films and emotions of acting faces in television programs

If you are the director of advertising video clips or otherwise to tell presentation films, and also if you advertise commercial goods or services on TV then you can do advertisement in which emotional conditions of characters and actors are specially coordinated with emotions of acting faces in concrete television programs and telecasts. Namely customers of advertising on TV and directors of video clips can coordinate emotional conditions of characters in presentation films with emotions of television acting faces by means of physiognomic symbols in this gallery, and also according to logic interrelations of hexagrams Yi-King in the canon of changes.


Features of a face and associations of emotional conditions.
Eyebrows: dreams are caused by fantasy / insensible thinking.
Eyes: irrelevant world vision / illusions are not probable.
Mouth: feelings have validity / sensations correlate with reality.

Dreams are insensible if irrelevant illusions contradict real feelings.

Formulas of analytical philosophy.
1 (eyes) missed opportunity is (eyebrows) inconceivable probability of (mouth) real event.
(eyebrows) abstract ideas are (eyes) not guessed prototypes of (mouth) explicable world.
(eyebrows) insensible knowledge is (eyes) distorted reflections of (mouth) irrefutable reality.
(eyebrows) latent imaginations are (eyes) wrong anticipations of (mouth) seen validity.


Following 54 symbol of physiognomy.
About physiognomy for advertising presentation films and emotions of acting faces in television programs, and also audio recording soundtracks of music.