Human emotions and physiognomy.
Physiognomic image and hexagram Yih-King 47.

preservation and future reconstruction or resurrection of dead human bodies


Lineaments of a face and perception of a time.
Eyebrows: ideas are in the past / inevitably final chronology of subjective human comprehensions.
Eyes: aspirations are in the future / infinite chronology of subjective human achievements.
Mouth: events are in the future / infinite chronology of subjective human actions.

Person sees the future events and thinks about the past time from the point of view of the future.

Analytical formulas of the canon of changes.
1 (eyebrows) illusive thinking is (mouth) corroborated evidence of (eyes) convinced existence.
(eyebrows) deceptive reminiscences are (eyes) arising displays of (mouth) satisfactory past.
(mouth) positive assumptions are (eyebrows) involuntary projections of (eyes) predictable future.

If physical matter collapse, namely if material human bodies break to separate corpuscular particles, then corporal forms of wave matter are kept. Therefore it is possible to recreate bodies by means of reunion of waves with corpuscles of global matter.
But if waves of physical matter collapse then bodies of people disappear and are not kept.
Recreation of physical bodies is the basic postulate of Christian creed, and consequently it is possible to trust that christening is the condition of preservation and future reconstruction or resurrection of dead people in the material world.


Following 48 facial image in gallery.
About future resurrection of dead people as basic postulate of Christian creed, and also christening by water and spirit.