Human emotions and physiognomy.
Physiognomic image and hexagram Yih-King 48.

interrelations of physical matter with world categories as christening


Lineaments of a face and perception of a time.
Eyebrows: ideas are in the past / inevitably final chronology of subjective human comprehensions.
Eyes: aspirations are in the past / inevitably final chronology of subjective human achievements.
Mouth: events are in the future / infinite chronology of subjective human actions.

Person understands that memoirs become the reason of future events.

Analytical formulas of the canon of changes.
1 (eyebrows) illusive thinking is (mouth) corroborated evidence of (eyes) unconvinced existence.
(eyebrows) deceptive reminiscences are (eyes) disappearing displays of (mouth) satisfactory past.
(mouth) positive assumptions are (eyebrows) involuntary projections of (eyes) irrelevant future.

The christening can be considered as creation of indestructible connection of corpuscles and waves of material human body in aggregate corpuscular-wave complex by means of indestructible interrelations of physical matter with world categories of movement and life.
Indestructible connection of physical bodies with waves of movement and life can be considered as christening by water and spirit.
Indestructible connection of physical bodies with quantum particles of movement and life can be considered as christening by fire.


Following 49 facial image in gallery.
About connection of physical bodies with waves of world categories as christening by water and spirit, and also eternal life of next centuries.