gods of Scandinavian mythology

mythologies in comparison with numbers

mathematical signs and symbols
myths and numerology

Page 3.

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scandinavian mythology and numerology


Pythagorean numerology and Scandinavian myths.
The third page gives information on the Scandinavian Norse mythological gods in comparison with deities of the Greek and Roman mythologies, and also in comparison with numbers in numerology and physiognomy of a human face.


Myths and Pythagorean numbers of gods.
Scandinavian mythology and numerology

The Scandinavian or Norse mythology was kept enough for understanding of divine essences and comparison to numerology of numbers owing to the Icelandic Eddas in which myths and legends are collected. In essence Eddas are an assembly of legends which as verbal tales have been widespread in northern Europe. The Scandinavian mythology is a basis for the medieval heroic epos and subsequent literary or art interpretations which are considerably popular and known now. Therefore I have chosen the Scandinavian Norse mythology as an example for comparison with gods of the Ancient Greece and Rome, as known and popular gods are interesting to comparison with physiognomy of a human face and numbers in numerology.
Myths and legends in the Icelandic Eddas have insufficient descriptions of psychological characteristics and not completed pantheon of deities, and consequently parities of Scandinavian gods with numerological meanings of numbers are ambiguous, that is shown in the table.

numerology and magic numbers for gods of Scandinavian mythology Names of gods in the table are written by dark and red letters that specifies ambiguous conformity with numerological numbers.
For example, mythological Thor corresponds with number 6, but also this Scandinavian god can be correlated to numbers 1 and 7 according to information in myths and legends of the Icelandic Eddas. Or mythological Odin according to myths and legends in the Icelandic Eddas can be correlated with numerological number 6, and also to numbers 8 and 5.
Numbers in cells of the shown table correspond to the magic square of Pythagorean numerology in which context the Greek gods correspond with numerical signs, that allows to compare Scandinavian and Greek gods.
Names of gods of the Greek mythology in the table are not shown, but the information on it look on the previous pages in this section of website.
Names of many other characters or otherwise to tell mythological images are known in the Icelandic Eddas in a context of the Scandinavian mythology except for the specified deities, but for other gods I cannot give authentic conformity with Pythagorean numbers.

Odin - Pythagorean numerals 6-8-5.
Odin in the Scandinavian myths is the Supreme leader in the world of gods in heavenly Asgard, namely in the city of Asirs or Aesirs.
Odin possesses magic power or otherwise to tell mental force of influence which predetermines authority, that corresponds to number 6 in Pythagorean numerology, and identically to the Greek Zeus or to the Roman Jupiter.
Also Odin has inspired gift of a prophecy that corresponds to number 8 in numerology and to the Greek Apollo.
Besides characteristics of Odin corresponded to numerological number 5 during nine days when he hung on the world tree Yggdrasil, because number 5 is central in the magic square and corresponds with the world tree which is in the centre of the world. After nine days Odin has received runes which are a symbol of wisdom, that also corresponds with number 5 as Athena in the Greek myths is the goddess of wisdom.
Tyr - Pythagorean numerals 1-6-7.
Tyr in the Scandinavian myths is a god of war that corresponds with number 1 and the Roman Mars, and also Tyr is the god of military rules and laws of war that corresponds with number 6 in numerology.
Besides Tyr possesses strategic thinking which is necessary in military actions that is possible to compare with number 7.
Thor - Pythagorean numerals 7-6-1.
Thor in the Scandinavian myths is the terrible god of a thunder. He protects gods and people that is identically to the Greek Zeus who is the Thunderer and corresponds with number 6 in numerology.
Thor possesses the magic axe or hammer which are military instruments, namely Thor is the soldier that corresponds to number 1 and to the Greek Ares.
Besides the axe is instrument of building construction and the hammer is a smith craft tool, and consequently Thor is a builder that corresponds with number 7 and to the Greek Hephaestus who is the smith and possesses hammer.
Three gods Odin and Tyr and Thor are deities of war but Odin is the leader of a military team and he is capable to predetermine a victory by means of will power. Tyr is the most courageous and fair soldier. Thor is the strongest.
Thor and Tyr are very similar and consequently both can be compared with numerological numbers 1 and 7, but the one prevails of the seven in characteristics of Tyr, and the seven prevails of the one in characteristics of Thor.

Bragi - Pythagorean numeral 8.
Bragi in the Scandinavian myths is the god of poetry and divine intoxicating drink which has the name "Honey of Poetry" and is a source of poetic inspiration, that corresponds to number 8 in numerology and to the Greek Dionysus.
It is necessary to take into account that Odin owns Honey of Poetry, but Bragi is the poet who tells verses on feasts of gods in Asgard, and consequently Bragi can correspond to number 7 and to the Greek Ganymede who carries wines in the circle of Olympic gods.
Loki - Pythagorean numerals 3 and 7.
Loki in the Scandinavian myths is the intermediary between three worlds of gods and giants and dwarfs. And also Loki is the sly and artful god who manipulates relationships of mythological characters in the Icelandic Eddas, that corresponds to number 3 in numerology, both to the Greek Hermes and Roman Mercury.
And also Loki supplies gods with necessary things and integral attributes by means of which gods carry out own functions. Namely nobody creates weapons or domestic appliances among gods of Asgard, but Loki steals things (goods) at dwarfs and transfers to gods, that somewhat corresponds with number 7 in numerology and to the Greek Hephaestus who is the weapon manufacturer in the Greek mythology.
Besides in the Scandinavian mythology there is information that gods have chained Loki to three stones and he will be chained up to a doomsday of the world, that is identically to the Greek Prometheus and allows to correlate characteristics of Loki to number 7 in numerology.
Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus has made other comparison of Scandinavian and Roman gods, namely Tacitus has compared Mercury with Odin as identical week day corresponds to these two deities, but it is incorrect. Probably Scandinavian gods correspond with days of week according to other scheme rather than Roman gods. Or the reason of mistake consists that days of week are correlated to astrological planets which have names of gods, but which are not gods as such.
Look pages of other website for information on different schemes according to which astrological planets and mythological gods correspond with days of week: www.numeralgame.64g.ru.


Frigg - Pythagorean numeral 4.
Frigg in the Scandinavian myths is the wife of Odin, that corresponds to number 4 in numerology and to the Greek Hera or the Roman Juno.
Frigg is the mother of Thor, and consequently Thor is identical to Hephaestus or Ares who are children of Hera.
Sif - Pythagorean numeral 9.
Sif in the Scandinavian myths is the goddess who has gold hair and is the wife of Thor, that corresponds to number 9 in numerology and to the Greek Aphrodite who is the wife of Hephaestus.
Idun - Pythagorean numerals 9 or 2.
Idun in the Icelandic Eddas has wonderful gold rejuvenating apples which are a source of eternal youth of gods, that corresponds with numerological numbers 9 or 2 as Aphrodite and Artemis are young goddesses in a context of the Greek mythology.
Idun is the wife of Bragi that speaks about possible conformity of this Scandinavian goddess with numbers 9 or 2. As if Bragi corresponds to the eight then Idun with the two, and if Bragi corresponds to the seven then Idun with the nine, that is caused by interrelations of numbers in structure of the magic square of Pythagorean numerology. Namely numbers 2 and 8 both 7 and 9 are harmonious each other, that can be the basis of matrimonial relationships. Namely the Greek Ganymede, as the carrier of wines in the circle of Olympic gods, corresponds with numerological numbers 7, and consequently the married couple of Idun and Bragi can have quite conformity with numbers 7 and 9 if they can play a role of wine carriers on feasts of gods in Asgard. But if the Greek Ganymede corresponds to number 8, as the god of winemaking in the Ancient Greece was Dionysus, then the married couple of Idun and Bragi corresponds to numbers 2 and 8.
Heimdall - Pythagorean numeral 5.
Heimdall in the Icelandic Eddas is the most light among all gods of Asgard, and he is capable to foreknow the future that corresponds to number 5 in numerology and somewhat to the Greek Athena.
Heimdall is the son of nine mothers as he corresponds with number 5 which is central among nine numerals within the magic square.
Besides Heimdall is the guard of the world tree Yggdrasil which is in the centre of Universe and too corresponds with number 5 in the center of magic square of Pythagorean numerology.
It is necessary to take into account that Heimdall is not identical to the Greek Athena entirely, as he is not the god who creates human civilization that is peculiar to Athena. Namely Heimdall carries out only a part of functions which correspond with number 5 in numerology.
Freyr and Freyja.
Mythological Freyr and Freyja in the Icelandic Eddas are the brother and the sister who are Vanirs which differ from other Asgard gods who are Asirs. Freyr and Freyja correspond with numerological numbers 6 and 4, but also they can correspond with numbers 8 and 2, that is not essentially as Vanirs are not a forming structure in pantheon system of gods in Asgard.
Freyr is the peaceful god that is distinctive characteristic of all Vanirs, and is not peculiar to Asirs. Together Freyr and Freyja are gods of fertility.
Vanirs are similar to the Greek titans (men) and titanias (women) who were defeated by Olympic gods, and Asirs are similar to Olympic gods. Therefore Freyr and Freyja are a pair of titanids (children of titans), or directly they are the titan and titania, but particularly it is not known which characters of the Greek mythology are identical to these Scandinavian deities.
The information on titans and titanias of the Greek mythology look on pages of other website www.numeralgame.64g.ru/num1en.htm.

Except for Freyr and Freyja in the Scandinavian mythology there are other gods who can be compared to titans or other mythological images of the Ancient Greece.
Njord and Nerthus are identical to the titan Oceanus and titania Tethys.
Borr is identical to the titan Cronus.
Ymir is comparable with four initial world potentialities which are Gaia, Chaos, Tartarus, Eros. Namely in the Greek mythology there is no god who is similar to Ymir, but four initial potentialities of the world in aggregate form a primary cosmogony essence or Anthropos which is similar to the Scandinavian Ymir.
Anthropos is known in the Greek philosophy but is not present in the ancient Greek mythology, but there are initial potentialities of the world.
Buri is identical to Uranus who is the fifth initial world potentiality together with Gaia, Chaos, Tartarus, Eros.
In total mythological pantheon of Scandinavian gods according to ratio with Pythagorean numbers has following parities with facial traits of a human face in profile within the nine-level physiognomic system.
Num 9 and facial top of  forehead.
Synthesizing consciousness - goddess Sif.
Num 8 and facial middle of forehead.
Integrating consciousness - god Bragi.
Num 7 and facial eyebrows.
Analytical consciousness - god Thor.
Num 6 and facial top of nose bridge.
Conservative individuality - god Odin.
Num 5 and facial middle of nose bridge.
Voluntary individuality - god Heimdall.
Num 4 and facial nose tip.
Radical individuality - goddess Frigg.
Num 3 and facial upper lip.
Regulated feelings - god Loki.
Num 2 and facial lower lip.
Compromise feelings - goddess Idun.
Num 1 and facial chin.
Reactionary feelings - god Tyr.
According to the listed parities it is possible to analyze faces of people and to speak about character traits in view of mythological characteristics which the Scandinavian gods possess. Namely if any lineament features are expressed then character traits correspond with mythological characteristics of corresponding Scandinavian gods, and if shapes of lineament features are not expressed then mythological characteristics of corresponding gods are insignificant.
And also it is possible to understand characteristics of gods in the Scandinavian mythology in view of psychological meanings which correspond to facial features in physiognomy and to numbers in numerology, as descriptions of gods in texts of Icelandic Eddas are rather laconic.

At the end of this page it is necessary to tell that names of Scandinavian gods in the Icelandic Eddas are conformable to Russian words.
The nameof Ymir is the Russian word ( ) WORLD.
It corresponds to the Scandinavian myths because the world was created of Ymir's body.
The name of Buri is the Russian word ( ) STORM.
It corresponds to rough character of Uranus in a context of the Greek mythology.
The name of Odin is the Russian numeral ( ) ONE.
It corresponds to superiority of Odin among gods of Asgard.
Besides Odin corresponds to Wodan in the German mythology that is conformable to the Russian verb ( ) TO LEAD, and in particular ( ) VOEVODA or commander of army.
The name of Thor is the Russian word ( ) AXE.
Because the axe is attribute of Thor in the Icelandic Eddas.
And also the Russian second day of week ( ) TUESDAY or the verb ( ) TO REPEAT are conformable to the name of Thor, that corresponds to the second position of Thor in hierarchy of Scandinavian gods in Asgard.
The name of Tyr is the Russian animal ( ) BULL.

It corresponds to the mythological bull Minotaur who is symbol of Zeus and corresponds with number 6 in the Pythagorean numerology.
And also mythological name of the Scandinavian Tyr is conformable to combination of letters ( ) in the Russian word ( ) BOGATYR or epic hero of divine soldier.
The name of Sif is the Russian word ( or DZIVA in southern Slavic sounding ) MAIDEN.
It corresponds with Aphrodite who is the Greek goddess of beauty.
And also mythological naming of this Scandinavian goddess is conformable to the Russian ( ) MIRACLE, that too corresponds with the female deity of beauty in a context of the Greek mythology.
The name of Bragi is the Russian word ( ) HOME-MADE BEER.

It means a product of fermentation which identical to Honey of Poetry in a context of the Scandinavian mythology.
The name of Loki is the Russian epithet ( ) DEXTEROUS.
It corresponds with dexterity which is peculiar for Loki.

The following page gives the information on nine angelic grades which correspond with the "world tree" in the center of Universe, and also with numbers in numerology and physiognomy of a human face.


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